Friday, June 2, 2017


I have created a page called ARNI S LANADA GROUP on  FACEBOOK as some of you may know. That is open for discussions and postings pertinent to FILIPINO MARTIAL ARTS, preferably by actual and active practitioners as well as to scholars of FMA, though many may not contribute much. However, various groups that are not active or concerned with ARNIS LANADA my contribute things to the groups, pending approval by me for the reasons of knowledge, and cultural significance and not for commercialism   beyond the weaponry and literature of FMA and may also make comparative articles on martial arts on a world wide basis in the spirit of BROTHERHOOD & PEACE and TRADITIONS of the highest order.

Thank you all for your cooperation in these matters those of you who join this blog and also the FACEBOOK GROUP on ARNIS LANADA.


Monday, November 14, 2016


In 1963, I first set foot into the PHILIPPINES and in around 1975-76, I began my study and practice of ARNIS LANADA at the GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE (GPO) under then  PROFESSOR PORFERIO S. LANADA in the PORT AREA of MANILA. That was 53 years ago and also 41 years ago respectively.

 I am no going to be 80 years old this month of November as some of you may know. KA PIRIONG LANADA  is still alive as far as I know and may he continue to live and thrive. My hope is to be able to see him, if and when, I can travel to the Philippines.

Be that as it may, ARNIS LANADA is the ART that I have remained with all of those years, even though I have met and known many other practitioners  and masters and grandmasters in these arts and in many others since I began my martial arts journey and studies.

One tip or 'secret' that I learned from KA PERIONG concerns this: after long and arduous arnis practice and gripping and holding various sticks and blades, he told me not to do, as so many do, especially in the US and European Countries, TO WASH MY HANDS but let my hands relax and rest before washing them and if I have to was my hands for some reason(s), WASH THEM IN COLD WATER.

This may seem ridiculous to many and most moderns will douse and rub their hands with anti-bacterial lotions and the like. Myself, I would use alcohol, ninety percent and have done so. THIS PRACTICE OF NOT WASHING THE HANDS IMMEDIATELY AFTER PRACTICE OR HEAVY MANUAL WORK,which  seems not done much these days or those who prefer to wear gloves, etc. , will give some strength and power to your hands unless you are a surgeon , etc.

Anyway, this is all I shall share here about such things. He has more to share and pass on to others, of course.

In the future I shall post some photos and videos when I can do so.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

ARNIS LANADA 2014 An update

There has been some recent interest in ARNIS LANADA in the US and also in the PHILIPPINES. Many of the 'old masters' and senior practiioners of all kinds of arnis and eskrima systems and other Filipino Martial Arts have passed away and the newer practitioners have  strived to trace and establish their roots as best they can despite much misinformation and distortion and also the growing 'commercialism' that often is most prevalent in some quarters.

Be that  as it may, a good amount of information and analysis of tactics, methods, systems and styles, and the like is being done and this s   deserves our fullest attention.

Video presentations show the strngths and the weaknesses inherent in the various methods and styles and tactics and often indicate the lack of real training, experience, and practice, as well as a few other things involved in things that are constantly changing over time and on different levels and scales.

Everyone in martial arts, no matter the national origins of such, alter and change these arts and end up with 'improvements' usually based on their personal and physical-mental-emotional bases, that is, their own 'essences' and 'predispositions' and 'abilities and understanding(s) of all this.

Still, a common core of things usually emerge when each system, style and art are analyzed and examined and worked out by those who desire to learn anything they can if they can.

Few can assimilate all that is possible to see and learn of these magnificent arts, which will change and adapt as society and culture change and national concerns impede upon these arts as well as the GLOBAL RESPONSES to these arts, which see an increase.

With FILIPINOS working and living in nearly every country on earth and in ar eas they had hardly dreamt of, this GLOBALIZATION OF ARNIS and related arts seems inevitable.  

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


There is perhaps some new interest in ARNIS LANADA thanks to FACEBOOK POSTINGS which enable former practitioners, both in the PHILIPPINES & THE US and elsewhere, to communicate with one another, should they be interested....of course, numerous other groups and associations are also reviving themselves in this way....At one time, workshops and seminars were the way this was transmitted as well as the formation of groups, schools, dojos,etc. and then came articles, video(VHS and now DVDs) and books galore, although there are only a few that can qualify as being ARNIS LANADA and are out of print, save where they can be found on Amazon or E-Bay,etc....It may be that some will devise YOU-TUBE-U-TUBE VERSIONS of this but I do not know if this will actually happen for many reasons...At any rate, GREAT GRANDMASTER PORFERIO S. LANADA is still alive and this is a great rallying point for those who wish to refresh their interest in and practice of ARNIS LANADA...

Friday, November 19, 2010


After five years of absence from the PHILIPPINES, I returned in 1972, right after the declaration of Martial Law and only returned to the US in 1980.....Although prior to this I had known somethings about ARNIS DE MANO, ESKRIMA, and a few related arts, it was not until went to Manila and worked during Martial Law that I began a serious study of ARNIS DI MANO,also known, as ARNES DE MANO, translated roughly as 'HARNESS OF THE HANDS'....... My work at the time took me to many colleges, universities and schools in the Metro-Manila area and at every opportunity, when visiting them, I would inquire about martial arts in general and about arnis in particular......and met many well-versed in various martial arts and so forth..... One day when visiting a certain martial arts area or building in Quipao, as I was climbing the stairs, I noticed a name printed on one of the steps(not on where you stepped) that read, if I can recall correctly, PROFESSOR PORFIRIO LANADA, and possibly something to the effect that he taught at the school there....but it did not entirely take on the significance for me until much later on..... AT that time, MODERN ARNIS was being taught and practiced in Manila and around nearly every college and university and other schools, here and there, and so one could expect to encounter MODERN ARNIS(about which I shall discuss at another time when more appropriate) in operation and with programs nearly everywhere...... But to my surprise when I visited the famous LYCEUM of THE PHILIPPINES, I observed an arnis class that did not resemble MODERN ARNIS in any way and so when I talked with the lady instructress, a MISS BORJA, I learned of the existence of ARNIS LANADA and my mind recalled the name on the step, and as I discussed arnis with her, she made me the most generous offer that affected my life deeply: she asked if I would like to meet her teacher and I readily accepted her kind offer,so we made a specific date to meet and visit her teacher who was teaching at the PORT AREA and at, as I found out, THE GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE(GPO) where she introduced me to him and from there, as they say, the rest is history........ I immediately joined the GPO and began evening classes and continued training until I left for the US where another phase of my arnis and other martial arts training and experiences took place.........

Thursday, November 18, 2010


This blog will deal with ARNIS LANADA, a system of Philippine Stick Fighting created,developed,and refined by PORFERIO S. LANADA and also its basic,and sometimes controversial,history, various practitioners of the art,instructors, and groups that have been influenced in some ways by ARNIS LANADA....and also some of the published references, articles and books and videos that are sometimes available or have been in the past.......the views expressed on the blog are entirely my own and need not and do not reflect the views of anyone in the SYSTEM OF ARNIS LANADA nor of the FOUNDER, GREAT GRANDMASTER PORFIRIO S. LANADA, known also as, 'KA PIRIONG' his students, pupils, followers, instructors, and friends.......