Monday, November 14, 2016


In 1963, I first set foot into the PHILIPPINES and in around 1975-76, I began my study and practice of ARNIS LANADA at the GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE (GPO) under then  PROFESSOR PORFERIO S. LANADA in the PORT AREA of MANILA. That was 53 years ago and also 41 years ago respectively.

 I am no going to be 80 years old this month of November as some of you may know. KA PIRIONG LANADA  is still alive as far as I know and may he continue to live and thrive. My hope is to be able to see him, if and when, I can travel to the Philippines.

Be that as it may, ARNIS LANADA is the ART that I have remained with all of those years, even though I have met and known many other practitioners  and masters and grandmasters in these arts and in many others since I began my martial arts journey and studies.

One tip or 'secret' that I learned from KA PERIONG concerns this: after long and arduous arnis practice and gripping and holding various sticks and blades, he told me not to do, as so many do, especially in the US and European Countries, TO WASH MY HANDS but let my hands relax and rest before washing them and if I have to was my hands for some reason(s), WASH THEM IN COLD WATER.

This may seem ridiculous to many and most moderns will douse and rub their hands with anti-bacterial lotions and the like. Myself, I would use alcohol, ninety percent and have done so. THIS PRACTICE OF NOT WASHING THE HANDS IMMEDIATELY AFTER PRACTICE OR HEAVY MANUAL WORK,which  seems not done much these days or those who prefer to wear gloves, etc. , will give some strength and power to your hands unless you are a surgeon , etc.

Anyway, this is all I shall share here about such things. He has more to share and pass on to others, of course.

In the future I shall post some photos and videos when I can do so.